The Future of Image editing starts now! An Artificial intelligence will do the work for you and edit each file individually. With our SMARTPRESET We save about 80% of our editing time. Get our smartpreset now! It was trained with over 10.000 of our images an is updated every week.
Edit 1000 images in less than 30 minutes.
We reduced our editing time by 80%. You can do that too - with our SmartPreset. Instead of editing - enjoy your time with the important things in life that you enjoy.
Deliver your images faster to your clients. You will deliver the files in no time and stand out among your colleagues. It will be easier for you to take on more work.
The picture straight out of cam. No editing done!
The picture with our preset - no other editing done.
This is the picture that has been edited by our SmartPreset.
In just a couple of mouse clicksyou can edit hundreds of images. They will be edited dynamic and indivually by our SmartPreset.
The images can be uploaded directly out of Lightroom with the Neurapix Plugin to their severs.
With just a few mouse clicks you can download your edits. The changes will be dynamic and indivual for each file. The changes will show in Lightroom as you are used to.
Finally enjoy your edited images. Do a quality control and if necessary do little edits manually in Lighroom. Then you can export the files and turn your clients into HAPPY clients.
Special Deal
Special Deal
A lot of photographers already use and love our SmartPreset:
Lisa Photography
"The SmartPreset is the bomb! I just finished my last wedding. All done in under 1,5 hours with 400 pictures. Awesome!"
mikhub Photography
"The time I safe is unreal! A wedding with over 500 images finished within 1 hour. Now I finally have the time to actively work on my social media acounts and other important things. THANK YOU!"
How much is the SmartPreset?
The usage of our SmartPreset is a one time fee as shown above. You will be using the highly optimized servers of Neurapix. Therefore you will need a plan with Neurapix - The choices you can finde here: That fee applies AFTER you have tested the SmartPreset with the free images you received at signing up at Neurapix. So please by all means - try before you buy.
How much editing do you do after the SmartPreset is applied?
We do a quality controll on all images edited by the SmartPreset. And in our case we need to touch just 3-5% of all the images and do a little tweaking. We have reduced our editing time from over 8 hours to about 30 Minutes.
Will there be updates to your SmartPreset?
Our SmartPrest is growing and learning all the time. Each time we edit a wedding and we shoot around 30 per year we upload any manual edits to the SmartPreset and with this information it learns and grows.
Can I test the SmartPreset?
Neurapix offer each newly registered Customer with the purchase of our SmartPreset 2000 free images. So you can try the process and edit 2000 images before paying anything. After this Neurapix works on a pay per use basis.
What's the catch?
There is none! We can honestly confirm that after working already 2 full wedding seasons with the SmartPreset. We can't even think about the dark times anymore before we had the SmartPreset. It's truly a game changer!
After the purchase of the SmartPreset you will receive an email on how to register with Neurapix and how to install their Lightroom Plugin. After this you can immediately start editing your images with the SmartPreset and enjoy your newfound free time.